National Council For Hotel Management<br>And Catering Technology

National Council For Hotel Management
And Catering Technology (An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)


Staff Regulations & Byelaws

Chapter VIII
Appointment by Promotion

Methods of promotion: Promotion will be made by either by Selection or by Seniority subject to fitness (Non-Selection) as prescribed in the Schedules of Recruitment Rules for each category of post or grade, from a lower post to higher.

Departmental Promotion Committee: There shall be a Departmental Promotion Committee for each category of post as prescribed in the Schedules of Recruitment Rules to advise and assist the Appointing Authority in the matter of making selection of candidates for appointment to different posts by promotion, deputation or consider suitability of employees for confirmation in accordance with these Regulations.

Crucial date for determining eligibility:

The eligibility dates for determining eligibility of employees for promotion would be the first day of the crucial year, i.e. January, 1.

All employees, including officers belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, being considered for promotion should fulfill eligibility conditions as prescribed in the Recruitment Rules on the crucial date in promotion by ‘Selection’ as well as promotion by ‘Seniority Subject to Fitness’.


34. Zone of consideration: In promotion by selection, the candidates for being assessed for promotion should be within the zone of consideration, which will be as below:

Number of posts

Number of employees to be considered









(Five and above – Twice the number of vacancies + Four)

Promotion to posts in the pay scale of Rs.12000 – 16500/- (Pre revised) and above:

The benchmark for promotion to this category of post will be ‘Very Good’ as determined by the Departmental Promotion Committee. For this purpose, the Committee will take into consideration the Annual Confidential Reports of the preceding five years.

The Departmental Promotion Committee shall for promotion to posts in the said pay scale and above, grade officers as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ only with reference to the bench mark of ‘Very Good’.

Only those persons who are graded as ‘fit’ shall be included in the Select List prepared by the Departmental Promotion Committee in order of their inter se seniority in the feeder grade.

Promotion from the Select List shall be made in the order of names appearing in the Select List.

36. Promotion to grades below the pay scale of Rs.12000-16500/- (Pre revised) (including promotions from lower Groups to Group ‘A’ posts):

The benchmark for promotion to this category of post will be ‘Good’ as determined by the Departmental Promotion Committee. For this purpose, the Departmental Promotion Committee will take into consideration the Annual Confidential Reports of the preceding five years.

The Departmental Promotion Committee shall for promotion to posts in this category, grade officers as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ only with reference to the benchmark of ‘Good’.

Only those persons who are graded as ‘fit’ shall be included in the Select List prepared by the Departmental promotion Committee in order of their inter se seniority in the feeder grade.

Promotion from the Select List shall be made in the order of names appearing in the Select List.


37. Procedure for filling posts in promotion by seniority subject to fitness:

There shall be no zone of consideration in promotion by seniority subject to fitness.

The Departmental Promotion Committee, constituted in accordance with the Recruitment Rules, shall consider each candidate as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ for promotion without grading them in terms of their comparative merits such as ‘Very Good’ or ‘Good’ etc., as the concept of ‘Benchmark’, as in Promotion by ‘Selection’, is not applicable to Promotion by ‘Seniority subject to Fitness.’

Consideration of candidates as ‘Fit’ for the purpose of inclusion in the panel for promotion may be considered only up to the number of vacant posts for various categories of candidates, and not of all the eligible candidates in the seniority list.

The panel for promotion shall include the names of the candidates found ‘Fit by the Departmental Promotion Committee in order of seniority in the feeder grade.

Promotion from the panel shall be made in accordance with the position of the candidates in the panel in order of seniority, as and when posts become vacant.

Ad hoc appointments: All appointments by promotion shall be normally made by the Appointing Authority in the order in which the employees are placed in the relevant Select List or Panel, as the case may be Provided that in case of immediate necessity and in a situation where no suitable employee is available for promotion, the Appointing Authority may make purely ad hoc appointment for a period not exceeding six months at a time and the total period of such ad hoc appointment shall not exceed one year.

Departmental tests for confirmation, in certain cases: The Competent Authority may specify, from time to time, the number of posts, promotion to which shall be subject to the passing of a qualifying departmental test. Such Authority may also specify, from time to time, the details of qualifying departmental test such as the procedure for holding the test, the syllabus for the test, the interval at which the test shall be held, the maximum period within which the test shall be passed by the candidates, etc.

Reversion due to failure in departmental tests: An employee promoted to a post shall pass such qualifying departmental test, as may be specified by the Competent Authority from time to time, within such period, as may be specified by him, failing which the employee shall be reverted. When the passing of a test is specified as a condition precedent to promotion to a higher post, if any, no employee shall be considered for promotion to such post, until he passes the prescribed test Provided that the Competent Authority may relax the condition for the passing such test for special reasons to be recorded in writing in any individual case,

Last Update On: 28/01/2022 04:59:33 pm

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